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Bismarck Brain WAlk '25
Sean and I, and our gang, will be Brain Walking at the Bismarck YMCA track on Saturday, February 22nd at 10am.

Jackie emcees Kate Bowler Humanities Event in Fargo
Jackie's dream came true when she emceed the Humanities North Dakota Kate Bowler event!

Jackie at MN Author Fest
Jackie was invited to Author Fest in Park Rapids, MN!

Unwillable (2nd Ed.) Cover-Redux
Unwillable is in its second edition and has a new cover!

2024 Bismarck Brain Walk Success!
On Feb 22nd, 2024, brain walkers gathered in a sea of red to participate in the 5th Annual Bismarck Brain Walk. And boy oh boy, did they...

Jackie on CBS's Studio 701
Jackie recently appeared on the local CBS station's Studio 701 with her dear old friend, Amber Schatz. She promoted the 5th annual...

2024 Bismarck Brain Walk
Grab your red #StebbinsStrong shirts and walking shoes, and get ready to Brain Walk! If you can believe it (I can't) it's time for the...

UNWILLABLE soundtrack
JM Stebbins friends, this is one of the most fun things to happen since Elton John called me with those VIP passes to the Farewell tour...

WDAZ TV News Story
ICYMI: Kevin Wallevand at WDAZ ABC in Fargo, North Dakota, and his cameraman, Ryan, did a magnificent job telling my autoimmune...

Book Clubs, get your Book Clubs!
"Unwillable is unmissable." ~ by BookTrib Stop me if you heard this one: A guy and a chicken walk into a bar ... NO, not that one. The...

Nonfiction Authors Association - Podcast & Blog
I'm pleased to announce that my guest appearance on the Nonfiction Authors Association's podcast will go live on July 12, 2023, at...

Prima Facie on Broadway
On April 28th, I joined a small group of wonderful people to celebrate Suzie Miller and her play that is burning up Broadway, "Prima...

Brain & Life Podcast
On April 13, 2023, the American Academy of Neurology's Brain & Life podcast released its 55th episode with special guest ... ME! I was so...

2023 Bismarck Brain Walk
And that's a wrap on the 2023 Bismarck Brain Walk! On February 22nd we celebrated World Encephalitis Day around the globe and...

Encephalitis Day ND
JM Stebbins friends, this is NEWS if we've ever had it! February 22nd is World Encephalitis Day ... AND, thanks to Governor Doug Burgum,...

ND Governor Declares Encephalitis Day
There you have it JM Stebbins friends -- the announcement I've been dying to make for a few weeks now! If you saw my segment promoting...

2023 Bismarck Brain Walk
CALLING ALL BRAIN WALKERS!! It's February so that means we are #StebbinsStrong and going #Red4WED! Get that red on and lace up your...

My Brain: My Story
Jackie M. Stebbins delivered the global keynote address for The Encephalitis Society's "My Brain: My Story" event.

Jackie on Prairie Public's Main St.
With the familiar voice and music, Jackie felt like she was sitting down to chat with an old friend when she joined North Dakota Prairie...

What fun it was to hold a book signing in my hometown of Bowman! And how humbled I was to see this very nice story on the front page of...

Purchase UNWILLABLE Here!
UNWILLABLE sightings are popping up everywhere! I've seen UNWILLABLE out in the deep blue seas of Alaska, on a boat on the Missouri River...

Jackie joins the McFeely Mess podcast
On June 8, 2022, Jackie joined host, Mike McFeely, of the McFeely Mess podcast for a discussion of all things AE: the onset, the terror,...

UNWILLABLE launch on Studio 701
On June 1, 2022, Jackie joined her dear friends, Jeff and Amber, on Studio 701, at the local CBS station to celebrate the launch of...

From Law Partner to Psych Patient, Local Author Shares her Story
ICYMI: On May 19, 2022, local NBC news station KFYR-TV aired a story about Jackie's autoimmune encephalitis and the upcoming release of...

Cover Reveal
JM Stebbins friends, please give it up for Lacie J. Van Orman of Loupine Design. Not only is Lacie a super-duper talented graphic...

And the TITLE is ___
I know, I know. I've been so focused on recovering from the amazing interview with Susannah Cahalan, writing blogs, and telling stories...

WED '22 Interview
ICYMI: Jackie joined her friends on the local CBS morning show, Studio 701, for an update on her journey with autoimmune encephalitis and...

2022 Bismarck Brain Walk
Another Bismarck Brain Walk is in the books. We put out the call for 2022 #JMStebbins, #StebbinsStrong, #BrainWalkers, and boy did y'all...

A publisher you say ...
For years now, I've promised an autoimmune encephalitis book to my JM Stebbins family. I am so proud to say that 982 days after I began...

Hear Hear: About the Brain Fever podcast
ICYMI: Jackie and her lovely husband, Sean, presented about the Brain Fever podcast at 1 Million Cups Bismarck/ Mandan, on February 2,...

#StebbinsStrong shirt store
Ever wonder where Jackie got those great high tops or haircut (no ... maybe ... probably not)? Or what about, Where does she get her...

"Brain on Fire" interview
I'm going to interview "Brain on Fire's Susannah Cahalan" on March 1st thanks to my dear friends at Humanities North Dakota!!...

Jackie's Piece in the American Bar Association Journal's "Your Voice"
I am really proud of this piece. Not only is it my first published piece in a national publication, I spoke from the heart about my...

'21 Bismarck Brain Walk
78 Brain Walkers! Yes, you read that correctly, seventy-eight people were red-y and walking for #Red4WED, in the second annual Bismarck...

Bismarck (virtual) Brain Walk
February 22, 2021, is World Encephalitis Day (WED)! In honor of WED, please join Jackie in the second annual Bismarck Brain Walk. Last...

Brain Fever Ratings
After releasing ONLY their 8th episode of the autoimmune encephalitis podcast, Brain Fever, Jackie and her producer/co-host/husband,...

Book Jackie to Speak!
Recently, Jackie enjoyed speaking to law enforcement administrative support professionals and University of North Dakota nursing...

"Let's Talk" about #Podcasts
Jackie, along with her husband who is the co-host and producer, has an autoimmune encephalitis podcast called "Brain Fever."

Jackie's AE story was featured on the Prairie Blog
Read more here:

Jackie was featured on the local CBS station's "Someone You Should Know"
Click here to watch:

From Lawyer to Laureate
Check out this story about Jackie on the local NBC station: From Lawyer to Laureate:

Jackie's opinion letter about World Encephalitis Day appeared in The Bismarck Tribune
Click here to read:

Jackie's Brain Walk makes the Top 22 Highlights from World Encephalitis Day
Read more here:

Check Jackie's writings with The Encephalitis Society
Check out Jackie's writings here:

"My AE Journey" Feature in the Autoimmune Encephalitis Alliance's Newsletter
Click here to read:

Jackie's Story in the North Dakota Bar Association's Quarterly Magazine
Jackie submitted a story to the North Dakota Bar Association's Quarterly Magazine, "The Gavel," and it appears on Page 6 of the Winter...

Brain Walk
On February 22, 2020, to commemorate World Encephalitis Day, Jackie hosted her inaugural Brain Walk at the YMCA track in Bismarck, North...

Ask Me About AE!
Jackie was diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis (AE) in May, 2018. During the month of May (and all months in-between), Jackie...
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