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Brain & Life Podcast

On April 13, 2023, the American Academy of Neurology's Brain & Life podcast released its 55th episode with special guest ... ME!

I was so honored to join Dr. Audrey Nath, one of the podcast's co-hosts, to talk about life with autoimmune encephalitis (AE) and the life I lead after. And later in the show, Dr. Gregory Day, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic, joins co-host Dr. Daniel Correa about diagnosis, treatment, and possible causes of AE.

I am so proud of this podcast! It's a really wonderful conversation. And it's not just because she had me at Elton John ... I joined a list of guests that includes Peter Frampton, Susannah Cahalan, and Richard Engel.

Check out the Brain & Life podcast, Episode 55: "Author, Speaker Jackie Stebbins on Rebuilding her Life After Autoimmune Encephalitis"

Today I am joined by someone that I met on Twitter, Jackie Stebbins, who was a trial lawyer and now an advocate for autoimmune encephalitis. She's going to tell us about it in her own words. She details her journey in the book Unwillable, and it's great and really well written, and talks about how she was crushing it as a lawyer, and she had bought her lawyer car and all of that before all these symptoms started and turned her life around. Now she speaks about autoimmune encephalitis as a motivational speaker. She is host of the Brain Fever Podcast, which you guys should check out. It's really great. And she's author of the JM Stebbins Blog. Welcome to the podcast, Jackie.

Dr. Nath, thank you so much for having me. It is an honor and a privilege to be here today.

So I want to hear about this from the beginning. I know it's in your book, and everybody should hopefully read it. It's covered with Elton John quotes. It's awesome. Essentially, you were in this really high stress job as a trial lawyer, which I can only imagine . . . .

To listen to the episode or to read the full transcript, CLICK HERE. You can also listen to the Brain & Life podcast where you find podcasts.


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