I'm going to interview "Brain on Fire's Susannah Cahalan" on March 1st thanks to my dear friends at Humanities North Dakota!!
I have truly been on cloud nine since Monday, when thanks to Sue and all my dear friends at Humanities ND, I received the news that my whimsical idea was going to happen.
Although until this week, I refused to learn anything about Susannah until my own book went to press, her work and for sure her book, "Brain on Fire," were instrumental in my life with AE. Dr. Dunnigan referenced it to my mom and husband when he diagnosed me the first day he saw me, in my darkest days my family kept telling me that I would recover just like she did, and people around me tried to understand what I was going through by reading the book and watching the Netflix movie. She was a faceless hero to me, and someone I'd maybe meet someday at a conference. Maybe.
Susannah was the 217th person diagnosed with this rare disease. She literally changed lives and the world by writing this book. She absolutely changed my life and outcome. And OOMMGG I'm going to meet her!
Register TODAY this is one you don't want to miss! The event is free and open to the public.